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Monthly Archives: November 2011

Birmingham Car Accidents: Holiday a Good Time to Discuss Safe Driving with Elderly Family Members

Nov 28, 2011 - Birmingham by

During the holidays, families across the country will be joining together to give thanks and spend time with family. Unfortunately, during the holidays the number of fatal car accidents in Birmingham will increase dramatically. Family members should use this time to discuss the dangers they’re likely to face on our roadways with elderly family members. Many older drivers will set out on our roadways to join together with their families across the state. The rest of us will spend more time with elderly loved ones than at any other time of the year. These drivers may not drive as frequently as you and me and may have forgotten how to handle the holiday traffic. They can also be experiencing some aging affects that can hinder their abilities behind the wheel. The holidays are a good time to assess the driving abilities of older loved ones and to talk with them about staying safe behind the wheel. Researchers with the Center for Advanced Public Safety (CAPS) at the University of Alabama conclude that the majority of fatal traffic accidents happen late at night or during the early morning hours.

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Tuscaloosa Car Accidents a Thanksgiving Weekend Risk

Nov 22, 2011 - Car Accidents by

Car accidents in Tuscaloosa and elsewhere over the Thanksgiving Day holiday weekend are expected to take the lives of more than 430 people, according to the National Safety Council (NSC). An additional 43,500 people are expected to be injured seriously enough to require professional medical attention during this time. Distracted driving, drunk driving, aggressive driving, speeding and driving too fast for road conditions can all increase your risk of being involved in a serious or fatal accident. Drivers are urged to be cautious and alert on our roadways to avoid one of these accidents. Travel preparations may be one of the best ways to avoid an accident. Know exactly where you’re headed and have a plan. Thanksgiving is defined as the holiday weekend from 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 23rd to 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, November 27th. While this year’s fatality prediction is nearly 20 percent lower than the average number of deaths over the last six Thanksgiving holidays, drivers are urged to be alert and cautious on our roadways to help avoid an accident. The Thanksgiving Day holiday weekend is more than 10 times more dangerous than any other similar non-holiday period. Our Tuscaloosa car accident attorneys understand that the increase in travelers equates to higher risks for a crash. This year, the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety is predicting that roughly 43 million Americans will travel more than 50 miles for their Thanksgiving Day vacation. This number is up nearly 5 percent from the 41 million who traveled […]

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Earlier Sun Set and Greater Risks for Car Accidents in Tuscaloosa

Nov 15, 2011 - Car Accidents by

We gained an extra hour of sleep with the recent daylight savings time change. But the change also ushered in more dangerous roadways. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is urging drivers to be more cautious on our roadways as the sun sets even earlier. Only about a quarter of travel happens during the evening hours, but more than half of all fatal car accidents in Tuscaloosa happen during this time. Pedestrians are at serious risks during this time as well. The NHTSA reports that about 4,100 pedestrians were killed in traffic accidents in 2009. Nearly 60,000 more were injured. About 25 percent of these accidents happened between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Another 13 percent happened from 4:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. The NHTSA asks drivers to drive slowly and cautiously after the sun goes down. Many drivers have a tough time adjusting to the new low-light conditions. Our Tuscaloosa car accident attorneys understand that pedestrians are more difficult to see near our roadways during the evening hours. For this reason, pedestrians are asked to be proactive and to either carry a flashlight or to wear reflective tape to be more visible to motorists. Pedestrians should use sidewalks when available and only cross at intersections and crosswalks. Remember, vehicles can be unpredictable. Be cautious on our roadways and don’t rely on traffic signals and signs.

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Drowsy Driving Prevention Week to Reduce Fatal Car Accidents in Alabama, Nation

Nov 10, 2011 - Car Accidents by

“Drivers have a tendency to underestimate the impact being tired has on their driving ability, which puts themselves and others at risk,” says AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety president and CEO Peter Kissinger. A recent survey concluded that more than 95 percent of drivers feel that drowsiness is completely unacceptable behind the wheel. Ironically, about a third of all these surveyed individuals admit to jumping in the driver’s seat while feeling sleepy. AAA reports that drowsy driving is a factor in about one out of every six fatal car accidents in Tuscaloosa and elsewhere. Drowsy driving is also reported to be a culprit in about one out of every 10 car accidents resulting in injury. AAA conducted this study and recently released the findings just in time to coincide with the National Sleep Foundation‘s Drowsy Driving Prevention Week. During this week-long campaign, AAA and the National Sleep Foundation will be teaming up to raise awareness about this very real and very dangerous driving behavior. Drowsy Driving Prevention Week takes place from November 6th through the 12th, according to WAFF48. Our Alabama car accident attorneys understand the dangers that sleepy drivers present. What’s most troubling about these drivers is that many of them are unaware of their drowsiness and the risks they’re putting motorists at on our roadways. Accidents resulting from drowsy driving can oftentimes turn deadly. These types of accidents can be easily prevented by following just a few preventative measures.

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GlaxoSmithKline in $3 billion settlement with US

Nov 3, 2011 - Pharmaceutical Litigation/Dangerous Drugs by

Drug maker GlaxoSmithKline PLC said Thursday that it has agreed in principle with the United States government on a $3 billion settlement of investigations of the company’s sales and marketing practices. The agreement is expected to be completed next year, and the settlement will be paid through the company’s cash resources, it said. The case dates from 2004, and included investigations of possible price irregularities and the development and marketing of the diabetes drug Avandia. The company said the tentative settlement covers both civil and criminal liabilities.

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"We realize there are many options for representation out there, and we talked with several of the “big names” before finding Cross and Smith. With the others, it felt like we were being bullied, in a tank with hungry sharks. We are still receiving junk mail from some. We are SO thankful we were referred to Justin Smith (Cross and Smith) for our accident claim. He and his team were absolutely amazing."
Posted By: Jamie Wyatt

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