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Monthly Archives: August 2015

Dangerous Drug Lawsuits Can Become Complicated

Aug 28, 2015 - Personal Injury by

Take a commonly-used drug, add some serious side-effects and a seemingly-endless number of lawsuits suddenly appear. This phenomenon is not unreasonable — individuals who suffer injury or illness from a dangerous drug deserve compensation that covers their full range of losses. When the number of individual complaints rises into the thousands, however, our Tuscaloosa personal injury lawyers warn that the legal process can become very complex. Valuable Drugs Often Pose Risks Anyone who has ever seen a prescription drug advertisement in a magazine or on TV knows that side-effect warnings seem to make up a large portion of the message. Advertisements for Chantix, a smoking-cessation drug, are a prime example. Warnings seem to focus primarily on mood or behavioral risks, ranging from confusion and anxiety to suicidal thoughts. These black box warnings were mandated by the FDA in mid-2009. Still, most doctors weigh the risks and benefits of any drug to allow patients to make informed decisions. Clearly, an effective smoking cessation drug carries health benefits by helping smokers quit a potentially-deadly habit. One Court, One Drug Company and Thousands of Lawsuits Before the FDA mandate, many Chantix users attempted or actually committed suicide, resulting in the filing of more than 2,500 lawsuits against Pfizer between 2009 and 2012. According to Alabama Media Group, all suits were consolidated within one Alabama federal court, which used a number of methods to virtually eliminate the caseload: • Dismissal with prejudice: About 660 cases were permanently dismissed relatively early in the process. Even […]

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Tuscaloosa Truck Wreck Lawyer Explains Why Large Trucks Pose Significant Accident Risks in Work Zones

Aug 14, 2015 - Truck Accidents by

Sudden lane shifts and unexpected road debris pose challenges for any motorist maneuvering through roadway work zones. However, such challenges are immeasurably more difficult when behind the wheel of a big rig. Every motorist on the road affects everyone’s safety. To best maintain control, it is essential to obey all work zone laws — and understand the special considerations faced by truckers in these areas. Why Trucks are More Prone to Work Zone Accidents According to the Federal Highway Administration, almost 30 percent of all crashes in roadway work zones involve large trucks. The number of fatalities from these accidents continues to increase, with over 1,000 fatalities and 18,000 injuries occurring in recent years. Semi-tractor trailer trucks are at greater risk than smaller passenger vehicles for a number of reasons, including the following: • Increased stopping distance: Any driver must stop suddenly for road debris or after a vehicle in front of him or her comes to a quick stop. However, smaller vehicles can stop much more quickly than a big truck. Even at reduced speeds, being rear-ended by a truck can result in severe injuries or even fatalities. • Reduced steering control: A sudden lane change can be challenging for passenger car drivers. Truck drivers pulling one or more trailers cannot always make this type of maneuver safely. As cargo shifts and trailers swing, they can hit nearby vehicles or even jackknife. • Tire blowouts: Anyone who has ever seen blown tire parts on the road can imagine that […]

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