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Monthly Archives: May 2013

Child Stroller Injuries Prompt Efforts to Boost Safety

May 28, 2013 - Dangerous Products/Liability by

Reports of defective strollers in Alabama and throughout the country, resulting in hundreds of injuries and, sadly, several deaths, have prompted the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to approve the first step in the implementation of federal safety standards for the devices. Our Birmingham defective products attorneys understand that the CPSC voted unanimously to issue a notice of rulemaking on the issue, which kick-starts the process of establishing a set of uniform safety guidelines for the devices. The only surprise with this is that it took as long as it did, given the high number of injury reports and the fact that it affected infants and young children.

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Alabama Traffic Accidents A Risk Over Memorial Day Holiday

May 24, 2013 - Car Accidents by

We kick off the summer travel season with the Memorial Day weekend holiday. Unfortunately, it also kicks off the most dangerous time of the year for motorists on the road. According to The Selma Times-Journal, Alabama State Troopers will be out in full force looking to bust irresponsible drivers. Our Tuscaloosa car accident lawyers understand that there were three fatal car accidents that happened during the 2012 holiday. That’s a number that’s down from seven in 2011. We’re hoping for zero this year. Alabama State Troopers will be out hunting dangerous drivers from Friday, May 17th through Tuesday June 4th. Through this safety campaign, troopers are urging drivers to buckle up, drive sober, avoid distracted driving and use caution while crossing highways and railroad tracks.

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Fewer Tuscaloosa DUI Injuries With Lower BAC Limits?

May 20, 2013 - Car Accidents by

A measure has been proposed to lower the legal blood-alcohol content for motor vehicle operators. The proposed limit seems to be gaining support in Congress. Our Tuscaloosa car accident attorneys understand that the National Transportation Safety Board is urging the federal government and all 50 states to back a measure that would reduce the legal BAC threshold from the current standard of 0.08 percent down to 0.05 percent. The proposal was prompted by the fact that over the last 10 years, the number of DUI fatalities nationwide has hovered around 10,000 people annually. Impairment from alcohol plays a role in about one out of every three fatal crashes in the U.S.

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Alabama Traffic Safety Watch: More Teen Drivers Die Texting Than Drinking

May 19, 2013 - Birmingham by

There is no question that distraction behind the wheel is deadly, especially for teens. However, new research reveals that distraction – or more specifically, texting and cell phone use – results in more U.S. teen fatalities than drunk driving. Our Birmingham car accident attorneys know that this revelation may come as a surprise to some, but it’s been some time in coming, given the number of teens who now carry cell phones and how frequently they are used.

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Alabama Traffic Safety: Seat Belts Still First Line of Defense this Summer

May 15, 2013 - Car Accidents by

Alabama needs to get better about buckling up. Our Tuscaloosa car accident lawyers know that you can’t always prevent a crash from occurring, but your first line of defense is to make sure you and your passengers are strapped in. A report released recently by the Alabama Department of Transportation indicates that nearly 60 percent of people who died in traffic crashes in Alabama last year weren’t wearing a seat belt. Of course, it’s worth noting that some of those incidents involved vehicles that did not have seat belts, such as school buses. However, of the approximately 425 traffic fatality victims who were inside vehicles equipped with seat belts, 251 of those weren’t wearing them.

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Alabama Distracted Driving Crashes Targeted by USDOT

May 10, 2013 - Birmingham by

There is no question that the primary responsibility to remain distraction-free behind the wheel lies with the driver. However, given the huge scope of the problem and the enormous price we pay as a society, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is requesting some help from vehicle manufacturers. Our Birmingham car accident lawyers understand that USDOT Secretary Ray LaHood has released a list of voluntary guidelines for automakers that would help to reduce in-vehicle distractions, thereby making us all safer. The recommendations, which include limits on built-in electronic devices for navigation, communication and entertainment, are part of the NHTSA’s Blueprint for Ending Distracted Driving.

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Alabama Cycling Safety: Fatalities Jump 9 Percent in One Year

May 1, 2013 - Birmingham by

A new report reveals that 2011 was a dangerous year for cyclists. Our Birmingham personal injury lawyers have learned that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has just released statistics revealing a nearly 10 percent spike in the number of pedalcyclists killed on U.S. roadways. Pedalcyclists would include any rider of a non-motorized, two-wheeled vehicle, which could include unicycles and tricycles. Mostly though, we’re talking about bicyclists. Although we’re looking at figures from 2011, comprehensive statistics were just released by the federal government and are the most recent available. The snapshot they provide is troubling.

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"We realize there are many options for representation out there, and we talked with several of the “big names” before finding Cross and Smith. With the others, it felt like we were being bullied, in a tank with hungry sharks. We are still receiving junk mail from some. We are SO thankful we were referred to Justin Smith (Cross and Smith) for our accident claim. He and his team were absolutely amazing."
Posted By: Jamie Wyatt

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