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Monthly Archives: May 2022

Personal Injury Claims: The Difference Between Personal Injury and Bodily Injury

May 31, 2022 - Personal Injury by

Have you suffered a personal injury due to the negligence or misconduct of another party? Such injuries can include a head or brain injury if you tumbled off your bicycle because of a poorly maintained city sidewalk; a broken leg that resulted from a fall down poorly maintained steps at your workplace; or injuries from a car accident when a driver hit you from behind and caused you to suffer whiplash. If you’ve sustained a personal injury that you believe was the result of the negligence of another party, take action and call Cross and Smith, the premier Tuscaloosa personal injury attorneys.

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How Common Are Truck Accidents?

May 17, 2022 - Truck Accidents by

It can be scary out there on the road, particularly with the increasing amount of large truck activity. Truck accidents happen more frequently than they should. As experienced Tuscaloosa truck accident lawyers, we’re here to help you.

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Hear What Our Clients Have To Say

"I have been friends with Dell Cross since we were roommates at UA Law and have had the pleasure of conferring with Cross & Smith, LLC in a professional capacity for many years. As a law office which specializes in domestic relations and family law matters, it is imperative that my office maintain a consistent client referral relationship with a law firm which can effectively address personal injury matters brought to us by our clients."
Posted By: Mark Sterling Gober

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