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Monthly Archives: May 2016

Fighting the Emotional War After a Car Accident

May 31, 2016 - Car Accidents by

Our Tuscaloosa car accident attorneys have helped countless victims who suffered serious injuries all because another party failed to exercise due care. Physical injuries can take a long time to heal, and they can also leave victims with permanent disabilities. Regardless of the level of physical injury, however, involvement in a car accident can leave deep emotional scars that can have a profound effect on someone’s ability to live a normal life. Physical Injuries and Psychological Ones Are Not Always Connected Most people who have been in a car while witnessing a vehicle speeding toward them can probably remember the experience with specificity, even if years have passed since the incident. Some people can file the memories away in their minds, but, according to WebMD, car accidents do not have to be fatal or even cause serious physical injury to have profound psychological effects on many accident victims.  Some of the common psychological issues can include: Anxiety symptoms, which are often experienced as panic attacks and can appear for no apparent reason. These attacks can include sudden fear and nervousness, along with physical changes, such as sweating, dizziness and heart rate acceleration. Left untreated, this condition can become debilitating, particularly since fear of the attacks themselves commonly becomes a major source of anxiety. Depression is also a serious disorder. This is not the same as an occasional feeling of sadness; it is a longer-term condition that can affect sleep, appetite and energy levels. Left untreated, some sufferers even have thoughts […]

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Are Public Dining Facilities Making People Sick?

May 17, 2016 - Personal Injury by

With the Food and Drug Administration and even our local health departments on the job, it is logical to assume that the food we eat is generally safe. While no Tuscaloosa injury attorney at our firm would advise clients to view all food with suspicion, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that foodborne diseases cause nearly 797,000 illnesses, 2,000 hospitalizations and 50 deaths each year, according to Alabama Public Health. When more than one person experiences gastrointestinal symptoms after eating the same food from a public facility or even from their own kitchens, it is probably not a case of stomach flu. One Kitchen Allegedly Sickened 86 Alabama Children at a Daycare In June 2015, WHNT News reported that 86 children under the age of 10 sought hospital treatment after suffering significant digestive upsets at their daycare center. As many as 30 of the students were hospitalized. The illness came from two facilities that were both served by the same kitchen. Investigative testing revealed Staphylococcus Aureus Toxin (known to cause staph infections) in foods from both facilities. However, some questions appeared to remain pertaining to the possibility of food cross-contamination, since the samples came from garbage cans within the facilities. Still, the children displayed the following symptoms, which are common to staph infections: Vomiting Diarrhea Nausea Cramps Lethargy The Staphylococcus Aureus Toxin is a bacterium that is commonly caused when handlers contaminate food products that require no additional cooking, such as salads and sandwiches. Contamination can come from […]

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"This law firm is a joy to work with. They are responsive and caring. If you have a personal injury or accident case, contact Cross and Smith, LLC. I highly recommend these attorneys."
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