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Yearly Archives: 2013

Car Accident Deaths Spike 5 Percent Last Year

Mar 1, 2013 - Car Accidents by

We recently reported on the number of teen driver fatalities going up in Alabama and throughout the country.  Now, our Tuscaloosa car accident injury lawyers understand that overall motor vehicle deaths are up 5 percent nationwide, according to the National Safety Council, which released its report earlier this month. In 2012, the number of traffic deaths totaled 36,000, a sharp increase from the 34,600 recorded the previous year. Injuries and costs too were up by about the same amount, with injuries reaching the 4 million mark and economic damages nearing $277 billion (including productivity and wage losses, property damage, medical expenses and employer costs).

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Report: Alabama Teen Driver Fatalities on the Rise

Feb 28, 2013 - Car Accidents by

For all the ways that we have worked to improve the safety of new teen drivers, there is apparently much more to be done.  A new report, based on preliminary 2012 data, indicates that Alabama saw a 9 percent spike in the number of teen driver fatalities in the first half of last year, as compared to the first half of 2011. Our Tuscaloosa car accident attorneys find this deeply troubling, especially as local news reports seem to indicate anecdotally that the trend is nowhere near slowing.

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Alabama Motorcycle Crashes Likely to Increase With Older Riders

Feb 15, 2013 - Motorcycle Accidents by

Just days ago, a man was sentenced to 12 years in prison for the summer 2011 motorcycle crash in Fairhope that claimed the life of a 59-year-old Tennessee man. The rider died at the scene, and authorities later determined the driver of the other vehicle had consumed marijuana shortly before the crash.  Tragic as such incidents are, our Alabama motorcycle injury attorneys understand they are likely to become more common, per a new study by researchers at Brown University in Rhode Island, published in this month’s edition of the Injury Prevention journal. For starters, the Baby Boomer generation has a great affinity for motorcycles, and they show no sign of giving up those two wheels, even as they continue riding into their 60s and beyond. The researchers discovered that in 1990, roughly 10 percent of all motorcycle riders were over the age of 50. As of 2003, that figure had more than doubled to about 25 percent.

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Teens at High Risk of Traffic Accidents in Tuscaloosa this Spring

Feb 13, 2013 - Truck Accidents by

A teen driver near Huntsville reportedly hit a guard rail and plummeted into Flint River, while reportedly swerving to miss another vehicle.  Our Tuscaloosa personal injury attorneys know young drivers are at high risk of an accident through spring and early summer. There is no indication that alcohol was a factor in this crash, but we know drunk driving is just one concern with prom and graduation celebrations on the horizon. The Centers for Disease Control reports that motor vehicle accidents are the No. 1 cause of death for American teens, with roughly seven youth between the ages of 16 and 19 dying every single day on the roadway. In 2010, that was approximately 2,700 killed and another 282,000 seriously injured. When you account for number of miles driven, statistics show that teen drivers in this age group are three times as likely as those over age 20 to be in a fatal wreck.

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Report: Tuscaloosa Drivers Tout Safety, Fewer Actually Practice It

Feb 7, 2013 - Car Accidents by

The AAA Foundation released its annual Traffic Safety Culture Index report late last month, revealing that while public attitudes toward risky driving behaviors tend to be widely recognized and chastised, far fewer motorists actually practice what they preach.  Our Tuscaloosa car accident lawyers understand this double standard has long been noted by traffic safety officials. The question is how we work to go about turning beliefs into better behaviors. Survey takers – nearly 4,000 in all, polled last September – put a premium value on roadway safety, holding firmly to the extensive data that reveals speeding, cell phone use, road rage and impairment are dangerous behind the wheel. As such, most support strong laws to restrict those kinds of actions and impose significant penalties on offenders.

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Alabama Burn Injury Risks Highlighted During Burn Awareness Week

Feb 5, 2013 - Birmingham by

A transit bus recently caught fire in Birmingham with three passengers on board, culminating in an explosion that rendered the vehicle totally destroyed.  While our Birmingham burn injury lawyers have learned no one was hurt, it’s a fitting coincidence that the incident happened in the midst of National Burn Awareness Week, Feb. 3-9. The fact is, this was a dramatic example of the burn risks that are all around us. The American Burn Association (ABA) notes that the most common type of burn injuries are attributed to scalding, usually in the home or in assisted-living situations. The most vulnerable individuals are babies, young children, elderly adults and people with disabilities. When these vulnerable individuals sustain a scald injury, they are more likely to have to be hospitalized. They have a greater likelihood of complications, such as infection, and they tend to have a longer, tougher recovery.

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Hospital Infections Can Be a Cause of Medical Malpractice in Alabama

Jan 30, 2013 - Medical Malpractice by

A mid-sized hospital in Athens is boasting of its low rate of hospital-acquired infection among hospitals that utilize infection-tracking software called MedMined, which is based in Birmingham, Alabama.  Our Birmingham medical malpractice lawyers understand the product was first released in 2000, and a pilot study of six health care providers from 2002 to 2004 revealed hospitals were able to reduce infection rates by nearly 20 percent over that time. Still, this software is only utilized in 350 hospitals across the country. That’s a fraction of a percent. Preventable hospital-acquired infections are the most common medical malpractice claim. In fact, hospital-acquired infections are estimated to account for some $30 billion in direct medical costs each year.

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Birmingham Construction Injuries and Scaffolding Dangers

Jan 28, 2013 - Birmingham by

Every year in this country, dozens of construction workers are killed in scaffolding accidents and hundreds are injured, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In fact, falls from scaffolds account for nearly a quarter of all fatal falls in work settings, with suspension scaffolds involved in 3 out of 10 incidents.  Our Birmingham injury lawyers understand that nearly three-quarters of all injury-causing scaffold accidents are attributed to one of three things: The employee slipped, the support or planking gave way or the worker or scaffolding was struck by a falling object. The fact is, every one of these scenarios is 100 percent avoidable if a construction company is abiding by standards set forth by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA).

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Alabama Nursing Home Quality Weighed By ProPublica

Jan 25, 2013 - Birmingham by

Birmingham nursing home abuse lawyers know how difficult it is for family members to choose the right assisted living facility for their loved one.  For most, it’s uncharted territory and the concerns are amplified by the fact that you’ve heard all the horror stories. But it can be tough to get straight answers about a facility’s track record. Even once you’ve decided on a facility, keeping tabs on its performance can prove convoluted at best. Now, there is a new tool. News organization ProPublica has launched a data-driven site that provides updated information regarding nursing homes in Alabama and throughout the country. Each facility is documented, the serious deficiencies calculated and rated (with detailed reports attached) and information about fines and penalties tabulated as well.

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Alabama Lagging in Effort to Reduce Traffic Accident Risks

Jan 24, 2013 - Car Accidents by

When it comes to road safety, Alabama has a long way to go, according to a newly-released national study by the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety.  Our Tuscaloosa car accident attorneys note the 10th annual study, called the “2013 Roadmap of State Highway Safety Laws,” has been released. Unfortunately, there are a number of improvements our legislators have yet to enact, including graduated driver’s licensing laws, measures bolstering booster seat laws, stronger cell phone limitations, and the requirement of ignition interlock devices for all DUI offenders. Overall, Alabama ranked “yellow” (out of a possible green, yellow or red), meaning we have made advancements in recent years, but still have numerous gaps in our highway safety laws. To look at it another way, researchers rated our road safety legislation for 2012 with an 8 out of a possible 15 points.

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"I was injured in an accident and I chose Justin Smith to handle my case. I worked with every staff member there by the end of the ordeal and was treated like family but also with true professionalism. They worked diligently on my case and never faltered or backed down regardless of the obstacles. I am so happy with the outcome and highly, highly recommend Cross & Smith, LLC to anyone that needs someone they can trust."
Posted By: Shane Weaver

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